Transport in animals
The Circulatory System
• Large and complex animals have
circulatory systems that consist of tubes, a transport fluid and a means of
pumping the fluid. Blood is the transport fluid which contains dissolved substances
and cells.
• The tubes are blood vessels through
which dissolved substances are circulated around the body. The heart is the
pumping organ which keeps the blood in circulation.
types of circulatory system exist in animals: open and closed.
• In an open circulatory system: The
heart pumps blood into vessels which open into body spaces known as haemocoel. Blood
comes into contact with tissues.
• A closed circulatory system: Found in
vertebrates and annelids where the blood is confined within blood vessels and
does not come into direct contact with tissues.
Transport in Insects
• In an insect, there is a tubular
heart just above the alimentary canal. This heart is suspended in a pericardial
cavity by ligaments.
• The heart has five chambers and extends
along the thorax and abdomen. Blood is pumped forwards into the aorta by waves
of contractions in the heart. It enters the haemocoel and flows towards the
• The blood flows back into the heart
through openings in each chamber called ostia. The ostia have valves which
prevent the backflow of blood.
• Blood is not used as a medium for transport
of oxygen in insects. This is because oxygen is supplied directly to the
tissues by the tracheal system.
• The main functions of blood in an
insect are to transport nutrients, excretory products and hormones.
Mammalian Circulatory System
• Mammals have a closed circulatory
system where a powerful heart pumps blood into arteries. The arteries divide
into smaller vessels called arterioles.
• Each arteriole divides to form a
network of capillaries inside the tissues. The capillaries eventually re-unite
to form venules, which form larger vessels called veins.
• The veins take the blood back to the
heart. Blood from the heart goes through the pulmonary artery to the lungs and
then back to the heart through pulmonary vein. This circulation is called
pulmonary circulation.
• Oxygenated blood leaves the heart
through the aorta and goes to all the tissues of the body. From the tissues,
deoxygenated blood flows back to the heart through the vena cava. This
circulation is called systemic circulation.
• In each complete circulation, the blood
flows into the heart twice. This is called double circulation. Some other
animals like fish have a single circulation: Blood flows only once through the
heart for every complete circuit.
Structure and Function of the
• The heart has four chambers: Two
artria (auricles) and two ventricles. The left and right side of the heart is
separated by a muscle wall (septum) so that oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
does not mix.
blood from the rest of the body enters the heart through the vena cava. Blood
enters the right atrium, then through tricuspid valve into right ventricle. Then
via semi-lunar valve to the pulmonary artery to the lungs.
• Oxygenated blood from the lungs
enters the heart through pulmonary vein. It enters the left atrium of the
heart, then through bicuspid valve into left ventricle. Then via semi-lunar
valves to aorta which takes oxygenated blood round the body.
• A branch of the aorta called coronary
artery supplies blood to the heart muscle. The coronary vein carries blood from
the heart muscle to the pulmonary artery which then takes it to the lungs for
Mechanism of the heart
• The heart undergoes contraction
(systole) and relaxation (diastole).
• When the ventricular muscles
contract, the cuspid valves (tricuspid and bicuspid) close preventing backflow
of blood into auricles. The volume of the ventricles decreases while pressure
increases. This forces blood out of the heart to the lungs through semi-lunar
valves and pulmonary artery, and to the body tissues via semi-lunar valve and
aorta respectively. At the same time the atria are filled with blood. The left
ventricle has thicker muscles than the right ventricle, and pumps blood for a
longer distance to the tissues.
• When ventricular muscles relax, the
volume of each ventricle increases while pressure decreases. Contractions of
atria force the bicuspid and tricuspid valves to open allowing deoxygenated
blood from right atrium into right ventricle which oxygenated blood flows from
left atrium into the left ventricle. Semi-lunar valves close preventing the
backflow of blood into ventricles. The slight contractions of atria force the blood
flow into ventricles.
• The heart is capable of contracting
and relaxing rhythmically without fatigue due to its special muscles called
cardiac muscles.
• The rhythmic contraction of the heart
arises from within the heart muscles without nervous stimulation.
• The contraction is said to be
• The heartbeat is initiated by the
pacemaker or sino-artrio-node (SAN) which is located in the right atrium.
• The wave of excitation spreads over
the walls of atria.
• It is picked by the
artrio-ventricular node which is located at the junction:
• Of the atria and ventricles, from
where the purkinje tissue spreads the wave to the walls of the ventricles.
• The heart contracts and relaxes rhythmically
at an average rate of 72 times per minute.
• The rate of the heartbeat is
increased by the sympathetic nerve, while it is slowed down by the vagus nerve.
• Heartbeat is also affected by
hormones e.g. adrenaline raises the heartbeat.
Structure and Function of
Arteries, Capillaries and Veins
• Arteries carry blood away from the
• They carry oxygenated blood except
pulmonary artery which carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
• Arteries have a thick, muscular wall,
which has elastic and collagen fibres that resist the pressure of the blood
flowing in them.
• The high pressure is due to the
pumping action of the heart.
• The pressure in the arteries
originate from the pumping action of the heart.
• The pulse or number of times the
heart beats per minute can be detected by applying pressure on an artery next
to the bone e.g. by placing the finger/thumb on the wrist.
• The innermost layer of the artery is
called endothelium which is smooth.
• It offers least possible resistance
to blood flow.
• Have a narrow lumen.
• The aorta forms branches which supply
blood to all parts of the body.
• These arteries divide into arterioles
which further divide to form capillaries.
• Capillaries are small vessels whose
walls are made of endothelium which is one cell thick.
• This provides a short distance for
exchange of substances.
• Capillaries penetrate tissues,
• The lumen is narrow therefore blood
flowing in capillaries is under high pressure.
• Pressure forces water and dissolved
substances out of the blood to form tissue fluid.
• Exchange of substances occurs between
cells and tissue fluid.
• Part of the tissue fluid pass back
into capillaries at the venule end.
• Excess fluid drains into small
channels called lymph capillaries which empty their contents into lymphatic
• Capillaries join to form larger
vessels called venules which in turn join to form veins which transport blood
back to the heart.
• Veins carry deoxygenated blood from
the tissues to the heart (except pulmonary vein which carries oxygenated blood
from the lungs to the heart).
• Veins have a wider lumen than
• Their walls are thinner than those of
• Blood pressure in the veins is low.
• Forward flow of blood in veins is assisted
by contraction of skeletal muscles, hence the need for exercise.
• Veins have valves along their length
to prevent backflow of blood.
• This ensures that blood flows towards
the heart.
• The way the valves work can be
demonstrated on the arm.
• By pressing on one vein with two
fingers, leaving one and pushing blood toward the heart then releasing the
latter finger, it can be observed that the part in between is left with the
vein not being visible.
• This is because bleed does not flow
back towards the first finger.
and Defects of Circulatory System
• Formation of a clot in the blood
vessels is called thrombosis. It is caused by blockage of coronary artery which
supplies blood to the heart.
• Blockage may be due to artery
becoming fibrous or accumulation of fatty material on the artery walls.
• Narrow coronary artery results in
less blood reaching the heart muscles. A serious blockage can result in heart
attack which can be fatal.
• Heavy intake of fat, alcohol, being
overweight and emotional stress can cause coronary thrombosis. A blockage in
the brain can lead to a stroke causing paralysis of part of the body, coma or
even death. A healthy lifestyle, avoiding a lot of fat in meals and avoiding
alcohol can control the disease.
• This condition results from the inner
walls having materials being deposited there or growth of fibrous connective
tissue. This leads to thickening of the wall of the artery and loss of
• Normal blood flow is hindered. Arteriosclerosis
can lead to thrombosis or hypertension.
• A person with hypertension which is
also called high blood pressure has his/her blood being pumped more forcefully
through the narrow vessels.
• This puts stress on the walls of the
heart and arteries.
• Regular exercise, healthy diet and
avoiding smoking can help maintain normal blood pressure.
• Superficial veins especially at the
back of the legs become swollen and flabby due to some valves failing to
function properly. This results to retention of tissue fluid.
• Regular physical exercise will
prevent this condition.
• Repair of valves through surgery can
also be done.
• Wearing surgical stockings may ease a
mild occurence.
and Function of Blood
of Blood
• The mammalian blood is made up of fluid
medium called plasma with substances dissolved in it.
components suspended in plasma include;
(red blood cells),
(white blood cells)
• This is a pale yellow fluid
consisting of 90% water.
• There are dissolved substances which
amino acids, lipids, salts,
urea, fibrinogen, albumen,
some enzymes suspended cells.
• Serum is blood from which fibrinogen
and cells have been removed.
functions of plasma include:
• Transport of red blood cells which
carry oxygen.
• Transport dissolved food substances
round the body.
• Transport metabolic wastes like
nitrogenous wastes and carbon (IV) oxide in solution about 85% of the carbon
(IV) oxide is carried in form of hydrogen carbonates.
• Transport hormones from sites of
production to target organs.
• Regulation of pH of body fluids.
• Distributes heat round the body hence
regulate body temperature.
(Red Blood Cells)
• In humans these cells are circular
biconcave discs without nuclei.
• Absence of nucleus leaves room for
more haemoglobin to be packed in the cell to enable it to carry more oxygen.
• Haemoglobin contained in red blood
cells is responsible for the transport of oxygen.
• Haemoglobin + Oxygen =oxyhaemoglobin
(Hb) + (4O2) (HbOg)
• Oxygen is carried in form of
• Haemoglobin readily picks up oxygen in
the lungs where concentration of oxygen is high.
• In the tissues, the oxyhaemoglobin
breaks down (dissociates) easily into haemoglobin and oxygen.
• Oxygen diffuses out of the red blood
cells into the tissues.
• Haemoglobin is then free to pick up
more oxygen molecules.
• The biconcave shape increases their
surface area over which gaseous exchange takes place.
• Due to their ability, they are able
to change their shape to enable themselves squeeze inside the narrow
• They are made in the bone marrow of
the short bones like sternum, ribs and vertebrae.
• In the embryo they are made in the
liver and spleen.
• Erythrocytes have a life span of
about three to four months after which they are destroyed in the liver and
• Also in the red blood cells is
carbonic anhydrase which assists in the transport of carbon (IV) oxide.
(White Blood Cells)
• These white blood cells have a
• They are divided into two:
(also phagocytes or polymorphs)
• White blood cells defend the body
against disease.
• Neutrophils form 70% of the
granulocytes. Others are eosinophils and basophils.
• About 24% agronulocytes are called
lymphocytes, while 4% agranulocytes are monocytes.
• The leucocytes are capable of amoebic
movement. They squeeze between the cells of the capillary wall to enter the
intercellular spaces.
• They engulf and digest disease
causing organisms (pathogens) by phagocytosis.
• Some white blood cells may die in the
process of phagocytosis.
• The dead phagocytes, dead organisms
and damaged tissues form pus.
• Lymphocytes produce antibodies which
inactivate antigens.
• Antitoxins which neutralise toxins.
• Agglutinins cause bacteria to clump
together and they die.
• Lysins digest cell membranes of
• Opsonins adhere to outer walls of
microorganisms making it easier for phagocytes to ingest them.
• Lymphocytes' are made in the thymus
gland and lymph nodes.
• There are about 7,000 leucocytes per
cubic millimetre of blood.
• Platelets are small irregularly
shaped cells formed from large bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes.
• There are about 250,000 platelets per
cubic millimetre of blood.
• They initiate the process of blood
• The process of clotting involves a
series of complex reactions whereby fibrinogen is converted into a fibrin clot.
• When blood vessels are injured
platelets are exposed to air and they release
which initiates the blood clotting process.
• Thromboplastin neutralises heparin
the anti-clotting factor in blood and activates prothrombin to thrombin.
• The process requires calcium ions and
vitamin K.
• Thrombin activates the conversion of
fibrinogen to fibrin which forms a meshwork of fibres on the cut surface to
trap red blood cells to form a clot.
• The clot forms a scab that stops
bleeding and protects the damaged tissues from entry of micro-organisms.
• Blood clotting reduces loss of blood
when blood vessels are injured.
• Excessive loss of blood leads to
anaemia and dehydration.
• Mineral salts lost in blood leads to
osmotic imbalance in the body.
• This can be corrected through blood
transfusion and intravenous fluid.
Blood Groups
• There are four types of blood groups
in human beings: A, B, AB and O.
• These are based on types of proteins
on the cell membrane of red blood cells.
• There are two types of proteins
denoted by the letters A and B which are antigens.
• In the plasma are antibodies specific
to these antigens denoted as a and b.
• A person of blood group A has A
antigens on the red blood cells and b antibodies in plasma.
• A person of blood group B has B
antigens on red blood cells and a antibodies in plasma.
• A person of blood group AB has A and
B antigens on red blood cells and no antibodies in plasma
• A person of blood group a has no
antigens on red blood cells and a and b antibodies in plasma.
Blood Antigens
A A b
B B a
AB A and B None
0 None a and b
transfusion is the transfer of blood from a donor to the circulatory system of
the recipient.
recipient will receive blood from a donor if the recipient has no corresponding
antibodies to the donor's antigens.
If the
donor's blood and the recipient's blood are not compatible, agglutination
occurs whereby red blood cells clump together.
• A person of blood group 0 can donate
blood to a person of any other blood group.
• A person of blood group 0 is called a
universal donor.
• A person of blood group AB can
receive blood from any other group.
• A person with blood group AB is
called a universal recipient.
• A person of blood group A can only
donate blood to another person with blood group A or a person with blood group
• A person of blood group B can only
donate blood to somebody with blood group B or a person with blood group AB.
• A person with blood group AB can only
donate blood to a person with blood group AB.
• Blood screening has become a very
important step in controlling HIV/AIDS.
• It is therefore important to properly
screen blood before any transfusion is done.
• The Rhesus factor is present in
individuals with the Rhesus antigen in their red blood cells.
• Such individuals are said to be
Rhesus positive (Rh+), while those without the antigen are Rhesus negative
• If blood from an Rh+ individual is
introduced into a person who is Rh- , the latter develops antibodies against
the Rhesus factor.
• There may not be any reaction after
this transfusion.
• However a subsequent transfusion with
Rh+ blood causes a severe reaction, and agglutination occurs i.e. clumping of
red blood cells.
• The clump can block the flow of
blood, and cause death.
• Erythroblastosis foetalis (haemolytic
disease of the newborn) results when an Rh- mother carries an Rh+ foetus.
• This arises when the father is Rh+.
• During the latter stage of pregnancy,
fragments of Rhesus positive red blood cells of the foetus may enter mother's
• These cause the mother to produce
Rhesus antibodies which can pass across the. placenta to the foetus and destroy
foetal red blood cells.
• During the first pregnancy, enough
antibodies are not formed to affect the foetus.
• Subsequent pregnancies result in
rapid production of Rhesus antibodies by the mother.
• These destroy the red blood cells of
the foetus, the condition called haemolytic disease of the newborn.
• The baby is born anaemic and with
yellow eyes (jaundiced).
• The condition can be corrected by a
complete replacement of baby's blood with safe healthy blood.
• The lymphatic system consists of
lymph vessels.
• Lymph vessels have valves to ensure
unidirectional movement of lymph.
• Lymph is excess tissue fluid i.e.
blood minus blood cells and plasma proteins.
• Flow of lymph is assisted by
breathing and muscular contractions.
• Swellings called lymph glands occur
at certain points along the lymph vessels.
• Lymph glands are oval bodies consisting
of connective tissues and lymph spaces.
• The lymph spaces contain lymphocytes
which are phagocytic.
• Lymph has the same composition as
blood except that it does not contain red blood cells and plasma proteins.
• Lymph is excess tissue fluid.
• Excess tissue fluid is drained into
lymph vessels by hydrostatic pressure.
• The lymph vessels unite to form major
lymphatic system.
• The main lymph vessels empty the
contents into sub-clavian veins which take it to the heart.
• Immune response is the production of
antibodies in response to antigens.
• An antigen is any foreign material or
organism that is introduced into the body and causes the production of
• Antigens are protein in nature.
• An antibody is a protein whose structure
is complementary to the antigen.
• This means that a specific antibody
deals with a specific antigen to make it harmless.
• When harmful organisms or proteins
invade the body, lymphocytes produce complementary antibodies, while bone
marrow and thymus gland produce more phagocytes and lymphocytes respectively.
Types of
• There are two types of immunity;
natural and artificial.
Immunity is also called innate immunity.
• It is inherited from parent to
Immunity can be natural or induced.
• When attacked by diseases like
chicken pox, measles and mumps, those who recover from these diseases develop
resistance to any subsequent infections of the same diseases.
• This is natural acquired immunity.
Acquired Immunity:
• When attenuated (weakened) or dead
microorganisms are introduced into a healthy person.
• The lymphocytes synthesis the
antibodies which are released into the lymph and eventually reach the blood.
• The antibodies destroy the invading
• The body retains 'memory' of the
structure of antigen.
• Rapid response is ensured in
subsequent infections.
• Vaccines generally contain attenuated
disease causing organisms.
Passive Acquired Immunity:
• Serum containing antibodies is
obtained from another organism, and confers immunity for a short duration.
• Such immunity is said to be passive
because the body is not activated to produce the antibodies.
of Vaccination
• A vaccine is made of attenuated, dead
or nonvirulent micro-organism that stimulate cells in the immune system to
recognise and attack disease causing agent through production of antibodies.
• Vaccination protects individuals from
infections of many diseases like smallpox, tuberculosis and poliomyelitis.
• Diseases like smallpox, tuberculosis
and tetanus were killer diseases but this is no longer the case.
• Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus (DPT)
vaccine protects children against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.
• Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccine
is injected at birth to children to protect them against tuberculosis.
• Measles used to be a killer disease
but today, a vaccine injected into children at the age of rune months prevents
• At birth children are given an
inoculation through the mouth of the poliomyelitis vaccine.
• An allergy is a hypersensitive
reaction to an antigen by the body.
• The antibody reacts with the antigen
• People with allergies are
oversensitive to foreign materials like dust, pollen grains, some foods, some
drugs and some air pollutants.
• Allergic reactions lead to production
of histamine by the body.
• Histamine causes swelling and pain.
• Allergic reactions can be controlled
by avoiding the allergen and administration of anti-histamine drugs.
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